In order to successfully complete the program, students will need to satisfy all the requirements below.
1. Work Experience of 100 hours
A major component of any Work Experience Program is community-based work experience (four credits). Students may choose a work experience placement from a wide variety of occupational fields based on their career goals. To receive course credit students must complete at least 100 hours of on-the-job paid or unpaid (volunteer) work experience. Students must also be under the supervision of a teacher in addition to an employer who has agreed to work with the school in providing a realistic work experience, including the required workplace safety training a student must complete.
The Work Experience component will provide an opportunity for students to learn to assume responsibility, to gain knowledge and attitudes necessary for successful job performance, to acquire good work habits, to develop an understand and appreciation of the relationship between formal education and job success, to learn how to work cooperatively with fellow workers and to put into practice skills learned in school.
The time given to work experience may be within the timetable or outside of the timetable. Care will be taken to limit the loss of class time during work placements. After school, weekends, school Professional Development days, and possibly even holidays may be used for work experience.
Work Experience hours also enable students to fulfill Graduation requirements for 30 hours of work or volunteer experience.
2. One Focus Course
Complete one of the following:
IB Business & Management or other courses with permission from instructor
3. Complete Two Support Courses
Two of the following:
Accounting 11
Accounting 12
Economics 12
Financial Accounting 12
Foundations of Math 11
Pre-Calculus 11
Foundations of Math 12
Pre-Calculus 12
E-Commerce 12
English 11 or Communication 11
English 12 or Communication 12
Entrepreneurship 12
IB Business & Management 12
Information Technology Level II
Information Technology Level III
Law 12
Marketing 11